Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Universities interested in Unimedios' Model

Universities interested in Unimedios' Model

  • The visitors were interested in replicating Unimedios' work to articulate their journalistic products.

  • Gisela Posada, chief of public relations at Universidad de Antioquia. / Photos: Victor Manuel Holguin / Unimedios.

The communications team of Universidad de Antioquia highlighted Unimedios" work during a visit to Universidad Nacional de Colombia to be acquainted with the operation of this unit.

"I think Unimedios has reached a higher level compared to us. It is creating new opportunities in order to change the public communication paradigm in this country. In Unimedios, it is possible to see how committed the University is to Knowledge, science and culture. We return home very happy with the experience in Universidad Nacional de Colombia," said Gisela Posada, chief of public relations at Universidad de Antioquia.

The idea of the communications team at Universidad de Antioquia is to get to know Unimedios" work to replicate some of the journalistic processes and models used there. Unimedios" director, Carlos Alberto Patiño Villa and the chiefs of the press, television, radio and strategic communication offices shared the experience about the unit and answered the visitor"s questions.

"It is well known that Universidad Nacional de Colombia has done a very intense work in terms of its national and international journalistic information. As public universities share common missions and objectives, Universidad de Antioquia wants to know about this experience and unite both institutions to share mechanisms and, at the same time, to give the Communication systems in Universidad de Antioquia the same scope," said Alberto González, press chief at Universidad de Antioquia.

This University in Medellin is trying to promote joint communications of each of its journalistic products. "An important articulation media is the web page, and we noticed Unimedios went further on this topic to articulate its entire communications systems in just one spot. This is what we have learned through this successful experience. We expect to take all we have seen with us and adopt it in our University to make it work in the same way," said Juan Pablo Garcés, coordinator of the web page at Universidad de Antioquia.

Many universities in the country have visited Unimedios to learn from the experience this unit has built. Apart from Universidad de Antioquia, Unimedios has received delegations from universities such as Pedagógica and Tecnológica de Pereira and soon, Unimedios will receive representatives from Universidad Eafit from Medellin.