One of the biggest recognitions of the night was the Francisco José de Caldas High Quality Accreditation, given to Universidad Nacional de Colombia in its Bogota, Palmira, Medellin, and Manizales campuses. This recognition is a stimulus to the education quality and the institution"s labor for implementing voluntarly processes for improvement.
Medellin Campus, specifically, was awarded the Luis López de Mesa High Education and Public Faith Order due to its accredited programs.
Currently, Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellin counts on the following high quality accredited programs: Electronic Engineering, Geological Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, History, Plastic Arts, Agronomic Engineering, and Forest Engineering.
Meanwhile, The Research Group in International Relations (GRI, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Institute for the Political and International Relations Studies (Iepri, for its acronym in Spanish) from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogota received the best research group award in Colciencias" superior category.
According to the researcher Diana Rojas, this group has a brilliant uninterrupted research career since 1987. During these 24 years of work, GRI has carried out activities in the areas of research, teaching and extension. Besides, this group is ranked by Colciencias" research system in the highest level, the A group.
Along its history, GRI has had 15 researchers, most of them important internationalists; currently, the group counts on a team of five full time researchers of Iepri from Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
In addition, the students from Universidad Nacional de Colombia were also awarded due to their good results in the Government High Education Quality Test (Ecaes, for its acronym in Spanish).
From the 30 students who obtained the best average in the country, 11 were students from Universidad Nacional de Colombia (see chart at the end of the article).
The President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, attended this important event and emphasized his commitment to high quality education in the country in all education areas. He even announced several stimuli for high school graduates to go to high education institutions. Among these stimuli, he mentioned a discount of 4% per year in the interests that people have to pay when they request education credits to Icetex.
Ecaes recognitions 2010 to Universidad Nacional de Colombia
-Agronomic Engineering and Agronomy: Andrés Camilo Daza Romero
-Electric Engineering: Henry Camilo Torres
-Nursing: William Andrés López C
-Chemical Engineering: Carlos Andrés Muñoz López
-Architecture: Jenny Marcela Bonilla
-Agricultural Engineering: Carlos Fernando Erazo
-Veterinarian Medicine: Adriana Esperanza Peñuela
-Animal Husbandry: Diego Alejandro Vargas Borráez
-Nutrition: Mabel Ximena Machado Rojas
-Modern Languages: Fredy Olegario López Rodríguez
-Geology: Juanita Sierra Salamanca