When the user finds an image he"s interested in, he can make a request in order to find similar images. This is how the recognition of diverse tissue structures -according to section, scale and staining- is done.
"A printed atlas made up of high resolution photos is very expensive. The advantage of uploading this database into the Internet is its availability: anybody can study the tissue"s variability", said Professor Eduardo Romero, Bioingenium"s Director in Chief.
A physician will improve his diagnosis because he will be able to compare it with others physicians" reports. "This histology database is very useful under two circumstances: when a doctor faces a difficult diagnosis and looks for assistance, and when a student trains himself by comparing his results with the ones posted in the database", said Professor Romero.
The hours of hard work invested by a specialist in front of a microscope will be reduced with this virtual alternative, which also allows non-restricted navigation.
This image bank represents an essential educational tool within Medicine and Biology Faculties because, up to now, teachers and students are forced to consult the sources manually.
"So far, histology class needs animal samples, which have to be treated with particular chemicals in order to outline specific data. The samples are put on slides, and then analyzed through the microscope. Nevertheless, their life span is very short because the sections oxidize easily and the coloration is subject to changes. The procedure needs to be repeated each semester, having to cut, fix and color them", explained Romero.
The virtual histology atlas is now available at the website: www. informed.unal.edu.co. Here the users will find fundamental tissues presented through various samples and sections. The website is equipped with both text and image search.
The system"s options (posting comments, image-saving settings) improve the applicative flexibility, adapting itself to different tasks", said Romero.
The application can be extended to other kinds of medical images, radiological for instance, conforming the sort of database used in radiology labs, technically known as PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems), useful in the monitoring of diseases such as cancer.