Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Squash will guarantee food security in the country

Squash will guarantee food security in the country

Researchers from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Palmira found, in an improve variety of squash, efficient properties that will allow replacing 100% of the diet of pigs, birds and cattle, which are currently fed with corn.

According to the Business Opinion Survey made by the Colombian Association of Pigfarmers (Porcicol, for its acronym in Spanish), during the first semester of 2011, an increase in the production costs was evident due to the increase in international prices of main raw materials for feeding the animals.

The total amount of importation of raw materials for the production of balanced food for pigs increased 2.1% in the first five months of the year, in comparison to the same period of 2010.

For this reason, scientist from Palmira Campus decided to find alternatives to feed these animals consumed by humans, allowing the food security of the country, without depending on a resource such as corn, which currently is considered for the fabrication of biofuels.

For professor Sanín Ortiz Grisales, member of the Group for the Genetic Improvement, Agronomy and Production of vegetable seeds, Abanico Squash 75, produced in the campus, is a new food source for pigs, birds and cattle.

"With our studies, we have found that this squash has a content of dry material of 24 grams per each 100 of fresh pulp and a high content of proteins and minerals necessary for the growth of these animals," asserted Professor Sanín.

For knowing if animals accepted squash as food, this investigation evaluated the digestibility in vivo of squash Unapal Abanico 7 and the growth that pigs had.

"We found that with squash flour, animals grew in the same way as they do with corn. This indicates that this is an excellent option in terms of proteins and carotenes, which is cheaper and ours, "mentioned Professor Sanín.

The researcher asserted that with squash, it is possible to replace corn, which is assimilated in only 30% by cattle, wasting the rest of this expensive product."

For Sanín, Unapal Abanico 75 still needs to face different challenges that will make it the food that will guarantee the food security in the country.

"We have to study in a deeper way the basic physiology of the plant and its synchrony with the floral biology. We also need to perform photochemistry in the leaves, fruits and seed, to identify genotypes with fatigue resistance, and to continue using it with animals," asserted sanín.

The Professor, who presented this outcome in the 4th Congress of Horticulture that took place at Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Palmira with the Colombia Society of Horticulture, also mentioned that squash can be used to produced biofuels as well, since he obtained oil from its seeds, a result that for him "make squash the food of the gods."