Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Species are disappearing due to deforestation in Santander

Species are disappearing due to deforestation in Santander

  • La guía, fauna de la region de Campo Capote, (Puerto Parra Santander) is the result of investigations of students and professors from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in an important place for development and forest management.

Foreign and native species from Puerto Parra and Chucurí swamp in Santander are disappearing due to indiscriminate deforestation.

These forests, which belong to Campo Capote, were an important zone for research development and forest management in the country; however, the zone has been exploited and invaded. Additionally, not long ago, the zone suffered from public order problems.

Researches from the Natural Science Institute (ICN, for its acronym in Spanish) at Universidad Nacional de Colombia made a study and a description of the fauna in the geographic region, in which the information about the habits of each of the animal groups was identified and registered.

For more than 20 years, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, (Forest Engineering program) carried out an action plan and used the zone as a center for scientific investigation and sustainable development, giving to the ICN the chance of elaborating Campo Capote study and contributing to find solutions for the preservation of biodiversity and beneficial use of the 1,600 hectares and recovery of the natural environments.

The investigation, led by Professor Carlos Sarmiento, along with students of Biology from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, consisted in describing each of the species, both vertebrates and arthropods, found in the region of Campo Capote.

According to Professor Sarmiento, 53 species of birds, 23 mammals, 16 amphibians and 10 reptiles were identified. The expedition also observed that some species are endangered; others at risk and others are unknown. Concerning birds, the researcher mentioned that some new species for science were found.

Endangered species

Chavirri (Chauna chavaria) is a type of bird that is endangered due to hunting. It lives from the north zone of the country up to Magdalena Medio. It dwells in swamps and eats sea plants.

Unknown species in the zone

Luis"s Yellow-Shouldered Bat (Sturnina luisi) is part of the unknown mammals of the region. It lives in humid and dry forests. It is found from Peru to Costa Rica and it eats fruits and insects.