Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Software to visualize 3D plaques is created

Software to visualize 3D plaques is created

Supported by free access programs, researchers from Universidad Nacional de Colombia created Nukak 3D that allows, for instance, visualizing brain tumors in three dimensional models.

"There are some very complex structures in which detecting problems becomes a difficult task, for example, in the case of brain tumors. Generally, for detecting them, three images are used (axial, coronal and sagittal), which are not always effective. Nukak 3D creates a tridimensional visualization that allows the specialists to identify and to locate the tumor in a specific way. It also helps making the plan for the surgery or the diagnosis," explained Alexánder Pinzon, part of the development team.

The software uses Dicom, standard software for images transmission that is used by medical devices such as PET Scans or MRIs. Therefore, Nukak 3D is capable of creating the classical cut visualization or the visualization of the volumetric texture.

 "Something we observed when creating the program is that despite free programs exist; they demand expensive equipments, as in the case of OsirisX, a well known program among radiologists, but exclusive for Macintosh platform only. For that reason, we developed a proposal that is compatible with any system," explained the engineer.

Due to the possibility of download it from the internet, this software is already being used in several countries in the world. According to download statistics, the program has been requested 5,470 times in countries such as China (628), United States (168), Italy (132), France (132) and Russia (100).

The program was named Nukak 3D after an indigenous community with the same name that promotes the implementation of equalitarian health mechanisms. For this reason, the software is completely free and specialist can use it for their patients" benefit.

To download the program, please visit