At the same time that researchers improve pasture with a high protein bush, they feed the cattle with a nutritious diet. The results are promissory.
Since 2006, the guild of stockbreeders noticed that there was a need to intensify the bovine production in the country and suggested to raise the total amount of cattle from 24 million heads within 38 million hectares, to at least 40 million heads within only 20 million hectares.
To achieve this goal, it is essential to identify ways to increase the pastures" productivity so they would bear a greater number of heads. According to Rolando Barahona Rosales, Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellín, the solution is ready to be implemented: if 10 million hectares are allocated to intensive silvopasture systems (SSpi) of analogous productivity than Leucaena (a variety of bush widely used within agroforestry systems around the world), Colombia would be able to feed the expected 40 million heads.
Professor Barahona makes part of the Project of Comparative Analysis of Bovine Meat Production in Silvopastures and Confinement, which is completed at the Agricultural Center in Cotové, with an investment of 1200 million pesos, financed mostly by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Researchers from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellín lead this project with the support of the Cipav (Center for the research in sustainable agricultural production systems), the Universidad de Antioquia and Colanta (a milk producer cooperative).
Within the study, the experts compare the efficiency of both intensive meat production systems (silvopasture and confined fattening), to prove the benefits and identify the aspects that may be improved. Up to now, results are promissory.
Looking for the Best Model
Within silvopasture, gramineae (traditional grass) is combined with leguminosae such as Leucaena leucocephala; the protein value of its leaves is close to 30 percent, higher that the protein value of commercial concentrates (14 to 18 percent). The use of leguminosae is of great importance given the fact that, among other benefits, this variety of plant fixes nitrogen, diminishing the use of chemical synthesis fertilizers.
The confined fattening is a production system that has gotten very popular, permitting the cattle to stay sheltered and comfortable. In addition it can easily access the meal, made of highly productive forage that also enhances the soil"s capacity. In fact, it is expected that, if properly handled, it can bear up to 10 animals per ha.
The researchers" goal is to establish which one of these two models adapts better to the Colombian conditions and gives a better use of natural resources with less environmental impact and leading to a product with optimal nutritional characteristics.
The evaluation of both systems contemplates a greater production of meat per area. In traditional conditions, the average gain of weight for an animal oscillates between 200 to 300 grams per day, breeding less than a head per hectare. By establishing the SSpi, they have observed weight gains of at least 750 grams per day, reaching the goal to feed at least four animals per hectare/year. In other worlds, while in a traditional system they produce between 60 and 80 kg of live weight per ha/year, with the SSpi they reach at least 1.095 kg.
Through this study, researchers not only enhance natural resources, but, through providing a more balanced diet, the go l is to produce better meat in less time, raising the amount of heads per hectare and reducing methane emissions and the use of fertilizers, contributing to the diminishing of global warming effects.
According to Barahona, "in Cotové there are 10 ha of SSPi, but they also evaluate the efficiency of the system in two farms in the Caribean region. Meanwhile, Colanta tests an intensive fattening system in the village of Santa Rosa de Osos."
Optimal Use of Natural Resources
"While today, 42 months are required for a bovine to reach its slaughter weight (around 420 kilos), implementing SSPi this time lapse will reduce to 21 months. A diminution of 50 percent in time, which would lead to an improvement of the meat quality and the productivity of pastures," said the professor from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Medellín.
Silvopastures with Leucaena start to be productive after 4 months and have a lifespan of 20 years, if handled properly. Studies reveal that a warm and dry climate (such as the one in the Caribbean Region, the most productive region in the country with 40 percent of the country"s cattle) is the most apt to establish them, although they are also testing its viability in cold and tropical climates.
New Techniques
Researchers from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia support their research by using modern tools such as the ultra sound technique, a non invasive method permitting to observe the modifications of muscular mass within the animal and to obtain a precise radiography on the nutritional changes that affect its development. In addition, it permits to establish in which period of the animal"s productive life begins the deposition of intramuscular or marmoreal fat, a characteristic that determines in a great measure the organoleptic properties of meat (taste, juiciness and tenderness)
At the same time, they used a method called Alcanos in order to establish the consumption of forages. They will also establish a chromatography method allowing to measure the contents and composition of bovine fat, including the presence of conjugated linoleic acid, a molecule to which is attributed a very positive impact in human health, such a as cholesterol control.
This project that aims to improve the production of bovine meat within the country balances with alfalfa cultures, a very nutritious forage that can be recollected every 30 days and that, with proper soil use, will remain productive between 5 to 8 years. "Its use, fresh or dry, even if turned into hay, is useful to nourish the cattle during drought, when the grass production diminishes," concluded the researcher from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.