Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Science and Communication Meeting on November in Bogotá

Science and Communication Meeting on November in Bogotá

Scientist and science communicators will meet in Bogotá, on November 18th and 19th, to celebrate the Forum Science Communication: Responsibilities of the Scientific Community and the Media.

Prominent international scientist will participate on the forum, such as Nobel Prize in medicine, Sir John Sulston; his work on molecular biology and genomic analysis contributed to decipher human genome.

Sulston will talk about scientific results" property and progress of science, and will share his experiences with other renowned lecturers, such as James Boyle (Scotland), one of the founders of Creative Commons and Science Commons, both international projects aiming for creators to define the rights and conditions in which their own works could be used.

The forum will deal with rights and responsibilities, both from the scientific community and the media, on the treatment of information related to science and its consequences on the employ that society will make out of it.

Promoted by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the forum is intended as a place for discussion on the Principle of the Universality of Science, which postulates free access to knowledge.

For this reason, there will be renowned media representatives, among them, David Dickson, director and founder of ScieDev.Net, organization intended to provide information on scientific advances from developing countries, and Juliana Rotich, environmental editor at Global Voices Online, an international network of bloggers that incentivizes citizen journalism.

In the Forum, organized by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences (Accefyn), participate Colciencias and Corferias.

The forum will consist of four sessions:

First Session: Responsibilities of scientists in communicating with peers

Second Session: Communication by scientists to society

Third Session: Communication of scientists with society; problems and complexities

Fourth Session: New systems to communicate knowledge