Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Santurbán: a water source endanger

Santurbán: a water source endanger

  • In Santurbán, there are more than forty lakes and hundreds of rivers.

  • Some high plateaus could be used as coal mines.

A natural source of water, Santurbán high plateau, located in the department of Santander, is considered a natural wonder. However, it is an ecosystem that is close to disappear.

In this place, there are more than forty lakes and hundreds of rivers, as well as several species of animals and plants.

However, this natural richness can be threatened due to an auriferous exploitation by the Canadian company Greysatar. "In the process of gold exploitation, very polluting chemicals are used, such as mercury "affirms Alejandro Fernández, a professor of the Faculty of Economic Science at Universidad Nacional de Colombia and researcher at the Research Center for the Development (CID, for its Spanish acronym)". Technology cannot guarantee that after water is contaminated, it can be pure again."

High plateau prevented rationing

Santurbán is the main water provider in Bucaramanga and other municipalities in the area. "Last year, we almost had water rationing due to the intense summer during the first semester. Thanks to the rivers that come from this place, we had enough water during the summer," affirms Jairo Puente, dean of Universidad Santo Tomás in Bucaramanga.

The experts affirm that if this exploitation takes place, it would be necessary to find other sources of water to avoid rationings.

However, Santurbán is just an example of what can happen with other sources of water in the country. "we know about other cases in which some groups are buying lands for possible coal exploitation, an act that is forbidden by the National Constitution," asserted Fernández.