Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Research group from Manizales now on the web

Research group from Manizales now on the web

The academic groups from Universidad National in Manizales now count on a bigger scope inside and out of the university thanks to the creation and update of their web pages.

There were 15 web pages in total given by the Direccion de Investigaciones in Manizales (DIMA for its acronym in Spanish), for their researchers, students and professionals from different regions of the country and the world to know the advancements in science and technology at Universidad Nacional in Manizales.

"Among the projects we have at  DIMA, there is the scope we want our groups to have, that is why we have created seven new web pages for groups that did not have, and we have updated two from groups that already had" said the research professor Néstor Darío Duque Méndez, Research director at Manizales campus.

Similarly, a socialization campaign was done in which each group presented their work and projections for this year and the following two years.

From this process, the groups that defined, organized and created their web pages are:


- Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico: (Innovation and Technological development)

- Percepción y Control Inteligente: (Perception and intelligent control)

- Alimentos-Frutales: (Food-Fruits)

- Cultura de la Calidad en la Educación: (Culture of Quality in education)
- Filosofía y Teoría en Administración: (Management"s Philosophy and Theory)
- Grupo Ambientes Inteligentes Adaptativos: (Intelligent Adaptive Environments Group)

- Análisis, Bifurcaciones y Control de Sistemas Dinámicos: (Analysis, Bifurcations and Dynamic systems Control)

- Ética Empresarial y Empresariado Social: (Entrepreneurial ethics and social Entrepreneurship)

- Cultura Organizacional y Gestión Humana: (Organizational Culture and Human Resources)
- Propiedades Ópticas de los Materiales: (Optical Properties of Materials)

- Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental:  (hydraulic and environmental Engineering)

- Corporate Governance: Tecnología y Complejidad:

- Bioproductos: (Bioproducts)

- Control y Procesamiento Digital de Señales: (Digital Processing and Control of Signals)

"With this first step, we have gotten in contact with the groups" coordinators, advisers and assistants to establish a more direct relation to monitor the processes" said Duque Méndez.

Among the advances, DIMA expects to continue trainings for researchers and to keep strengthening the existing groups that count on human and capital potential to show results.