Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Registrations are opened for the Science Communication Forum

Registrations are opened for the Science Communication Forum

Next November, scientists and communicators will have a space for the discussion about their rights and responsibilities with scientific communication.

This activity will be developed in the frame of the Science Communication Forum: Responsibilities of the Scientific Community and the Media, which will be held in Corferias on September 18th and 19th. The registration is free. People interested in participating, you can register at

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the International Council for Science (ICSU), Colciencias, the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physics and Natural Sciences (Accefyn, for its Spanish acronym) and Corferias are working together to carry out this event.

The event will count on an exclusive group of lecturers, in which important scientists, journalists and analysts of different disciplines related to spreading of science were invited.

Among the important people from the scientific world which will be part of the diffusion of ideas and needs of the academy, there are:

Bengt Gustafsson: Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at Uppsala University in Sweden. Gustafsson has also been awarded several times for his efforts to present science to the public.

John Sulston: is currently working as the President of the Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation in the University of Manchester. In 2002 he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine along with his colleagues Sydney Brenner and Bob Horvitz for their contribution to genetic regulations of the development of organs and programmed cell death.

David Vaux: is an important molecular biologist whose research field is the study of programmed cell death. He is also a skeptic, who has a side interest in use and abuse of statistics, issues of scientific integrity, and science communication. He is a member of CFRS (the Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in the Conduct of Science), ASC (Australian Science Communicators), and editorial boards of the journals Cell Death and Differentiation and EMBO Reports.

From the media field, several personalities will attend to the conference to talk from the perspective of scientific diffusion and the new communication media. Some of them are:

David Dickson: science journalist and founding director of SciDev.Net (the Science and Development Network) and a graduate in mathematics from Cambridge University. In 2006, he and his team at SciDev.Net received the annual award of the Association of British Science Writers for "the best science writing on the World Wide Web".

Andrew Pleasant: started his career as a journalist, receiving numerous awards for his photojournalism and reporting on national and international topics. He earned a bachelor"s degree in journalism from Arizona State University, a master"s degree in environmental studies from Brown University, and a doctorate in communication from Cornell University. He"s currently working as the health literacy and communications director of the Canyon Ranch Institute.

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