Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Presence of contaminants in potato crops is discovered

Presence of contaminants in potato crops is discovered

This tuber of high consumption in the country has to be prepared adequately in order to reduce the risk of disease due to pesticides used during its cultivation. Cooking it in water is the best option.

The use of chemicals to fight against plagues in potato crops is one of the most effective strategies to guarantee the production of this tuber. However, in the rural zone of Ciudad Bolivar neighborhood in Bogotá, where potato is produced to be distributed in collection centers of the capital, the use of pesticides exceeds the adequate limits.

Sonia Pertuz studied the characteristics of potato production in this zone of the Colombian capital. What she found was alarming. "When potatoes are fried, they do not lose the potential toxic conditions of the pesticides entirely. The substances remain in a proportion that could exceed those of the regulations established by the Ministry of Social Protection," explained the Professor.

In the study, it was found that each kilogram of this product contains close to 0.12 milligrams (mg) of organophofates and 0.54 mg of carbamates (two of the most common pesticides), when the permitted limits are 0.1 mg and 0.05 mg respectively. A concerning difference.

In some crops, an average of 25 pesticide application was detected during cultivation, which is considered excessive. In addition to the failures in the production process, the study indentified the presence of chemical substances that are harmful when consuming the product.

"After analyzing a potato sample that was cultivated in Ciudad Bolivar, it was evident that stages such as washing, shelling (elimination of the shell) and cooking in water diminish the presence of these chemicals. In general, when the tubers are cooked in water (90°C for 20 minutes), the pesticide is reduced to adequate levels; however, when fried, with temperatures over 220°, high levels of organophofates were identified," asserted the Professor of Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

For this reason, the researcher recommends an adequate cleaning and washing of the product, eliminating all impurities such as roots and soil, shelling and cooking it in water, mainly.

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