Oscar Perez and Edicson Parra, agronomic engineers, have been creating a detailed orchid inventory in Yotoco"s Reserve since 2006 as part of their thesis, and after over three years of investigations, classifying and characterizing, they established that this new specie was not registered up to now.
One specimen of this new orchid was sent to the Mexican expert Eric Hagsater, who confirmed that this new flower is the first of its kind found in the world.
The new orchid has an inflorescence of 28.3 and is 1.7 meters, it is fragrant and its color is white. Humanity will welcome this yew flower with a scientific article in the prestigious magazine Icones Orchidacearum.
For Oscar Perez, this finding "has huge intrinsic and ecological values, since it tells the degree of intervention in which this forest reserve is, as this new species are difficult to be found". Likewise, Peres says, "this finding turns Yotoco into a unique diversity place with endemic species that are only found there".
The study was supported by some professors form Universidad Nacional in Palmira, and some international advisors to study over 86 species that were reported in the forest reserve.
Now, the new orchid will be a topic to be studied by some scientist and universities in the country. They will be in charge of giving a long life to this new specie found by the engineers from Universidad Nacional. Now they tell the flower: !welcome to the world!