Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Microscope to build mega images is created

Microscope to build mega images is created

By taking high quality photograph sequences, this device is capable of generating wide images that help, among other aspects, improving pathological diagnosis.

The robotic device, in patent process, counts on a microscope, a structure that permits its mobility and its electronic control software. It was designed by a mechatronic engineer of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Carlos Vargas, aiming at capturing images by means of a camera from the computer.

"The systems to control and visualize images with a camera already exist in the market, but they do not allow adapting different types of microscopes. We wanted to create a mechanism capable of adapting to any microscope and computer to make pathological diagnosis from the distance," explained Vargas.

The device has a control system that is operated from a computer that can direct the displacement of the plate where the sample is placed, with a margin of error of 1 Micra.

The two main functions are creating images by joining small squares, moving the plate accurately in order to have a sequence, and connecting to the system through internet to monitor and exchange the captured information from any place with internet access.

"It is also cheaper than those currently in the market," asserted the creator.