She also affirms that cases of hypothyroidism and leukemia can also be seen, as those confirmed in Chernobyl, 1986, in Ukraine.
The nuclear reactors are used to produce electric energy from the disintegrations emitted by combustible materials such as uranium 238 or 235. "These radioactive elements have the capacity of ionizing the atoms they interact with (radiation- matter interaction)," mentioned the PhD in physics.
"A massive effect in the human body generates immunosupression and produces vomiting, diarrhea, hematologic immunosupression, lower count in the blood components "generating medullary depression" and even death, depending on the doses," asserted Plazas, highlighting that it can also generate anemia or leukemia in a long term.
According to the professor, contamination in Chernobyl turned into a radioactive cloud containing high amounts of iodine 131. This cloud was absorbed by the grass that was eaten by the cows that produced milk with high amounts of this substance. This milk was consumed by humans and the iodine was captured by the thyroid gland, generating hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism."
The expert also mentioned that people affected by radiation can generate future generations of mentally handicapped children.
Nuclear energy
It is created from the fusion of atoms that release gigantic amounts of energy to produce electricity.
More than 60 years ago, England built the first nuclear plant to generate electricity for commercial uses, and during the 90"s the world reached the number of 420 commercial nuclear reactors in 25 countries that were producing 17% of the world"s electricity.
With a kilo of uranium, a big amount of electricity could be produced, but at the same time the concerns about radiation start, especially after accidents, such as the one on April 26th, 1986, in Chernobyl (Ukraine), in the former Soviet Union, considered the worst disaster occurred in a nuclear plant.
During this event, one of the reactors released big amounts of radioactive material (isotopes of uranium, plutonium, cesium, strontium, iodine and americium) to the atmosphere, affecting many people and killing others.
Actions to prevent radioactivity
"The first thing that people in charge of the reactors do in these cases is neutralizing the chain reaction and the fission produced in uranium 235. One of the materials used for doing this is boron."
For stopping uranium emissions, this material has to be buried with concrete or lead and dense materials capable of absorbing the radiation. I"d suggest concrete, since there are neutrons participating, and polyethylene with boron is necessary to neutralize."