Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Cases of whooping cough increase

Cases of whooping cough increase

From 1,200 cases reported as possible whooping cough cases in Colombia, 220 were confirmed in the first five months of this year, according to the National Health Institute (INS, for its acronym in Spanish).

This represents a 40% increase in the incidence of the disease, according to the entity"s statistics. Besides, this case increase in adults and teenagers concerns the health institutions, since 8. 43% of the diagnosed people belong to this group.

Whooping cough is cause by a bacteria (Bordetella pertussis or Bordetella parapertussis) transmitted by cough secretions. "When a person coughs, invisible particles are expulsed that carry the bacteria. These particles are inhaled and taken to the lungs or bronchi," explained Édgar Rojas Soto, associated Professor of the Department of Pediatrics at Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Symptoms and prevention

The patient starts with the increase of an irritating and frequent cough during day and night that last for many days. In some cases the patient suffers from lack of oxygen and vomits. If a person suffers these symptoms, he/she has to be taken to a hospital immediately.

However, the best way to prevent this disease is with a vaccine that has to be given when children turn 2, 4, 6 and 12 months, with a reinforcement dose at 5 years. "Unfortunately, there is a percentage of parents that do not follow this recommendation and this increases the possibility for the disease to occur" asserted Rojas.

The vaccine against whooping cough comes along with two more: one against tetanus and other against diphtheria. This vaccination is mandatory and in Colombia is free of cost.

According to the specialist, "currently it has been detected that young people are carrying and transmitting the bacteria to children, for this reason if a person has the symptoms, it is recommendable to use mouth covers. People have to use two per day. Besides, washing their hand frequently is important too, especially when one is sick."

The younger the child, the more risky the disease is for complications. A baby with whooping cough can represent a serious case and demands extreme cares.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this disease affects close to 50 million people each year and results in close to half a million deathly cases.