Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/Algae with biotechnological potential and industrial use

Algae with biotechnological potential and industrial use

  • A few people work with algae for biotechnical and industrial uses.

  • In the world, many research groups have developed advances in algae research. In Colombia, this type of research began just a few years ago. / Unimedios

"Working with algae benefits the environment, since they use fewer resources and do not pollute," affirmed Luis Carlos Montenegro, a professor of the Biology Department.

Algae help preventing contamination and increase the water quality. Nowadays, science and technology researchers prefer to use them to work, since their uses benefit the environment.

Professor Montenegro explains that currently Universidad Nacional de Colombia is carrying out many projects with algae, since researchers have found many advantages in them; for instance, they clean residual water from heavy metals and fat.

"Algae are used to produce red pigments, which are stainless and are used in the cosmetology and health industries. They are also used in biofuels, vegetal physiology studies and as fish food," asserted Professor Montenegro.

Studies suggest that algae are being used in cosmetology and medicine in order to prevent aging processes, as well as "to prevent damages due to cancer, since algae produce antioxidants, which produce red tones."

Studies on algae are made in labs for algae cultivation, chemical processes and in Estación Piscicola de la Terraza, at Villavicencio.

"We are obtaining results, there are people interested in working with us," said the biologist, who highlighted that his objective is that algae cultivation becomes an important economic factor in the country.

Professor Montenegro, a biologist from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, master in growth physiology and candidate to PhD in agricultural sciences "a physiological line of Universidad Nacional de Colombia" will talk about this topic on Thursday, October 7th, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in auditorium c, building 453"engineering classrooms, in the Seminar of the Chemical Engineering Department.


For more information, please write to or call 316 5000, ext. 14045 and 14092.