Escudo de la República de Colombia Escudo de la República de Colombia
/A Study on Alternative Diets for Silver Arowana was Awarded

A Study on Alternative Diets for Silver Arowana was Awarded

The use of raw materials such as plantain or Yuca (Manihot esculenta) to feed silver arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) ranked Marcela Moreno second in the Alltech Young Scientist Award.

Even though these fish are considered as carnivorous, they had a good response to this diet, which was made up carbohydrates. "With the definitive results, we completed workshops with farmers, who were very positive and surprised to see those raw materials employed in such an unusual way," said Moreno.

There was a total amount of 50 tested raw materials, among which 12 were chosen for their nutritious values, to complete the study. Among the used materials there were vegetal species, fruits and fish from places such as the Amazonas.

It was a gratification for Moreno to receive this award, because it was an acknowledgment for the research that she started during her undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Veterinary from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and that she hopes to continue during her postgraduate studies.

Marcela Moreno was already awarded for this same study by the Aquaculture World Congress, celebrated in México at the end of 2009.